Who will benefit from this school:  This course is designed for Officers/Detectives/Agents and Supervisors assigned to Narcotics, Gangs, Intelligence, or Specialized Units that investigate OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS.

Course Description:  This 2 or 3-day (16 or 27-hour) training was designed to complement the beginning and experienced investigator. The training is presented from two points of view.  The first portion addresses the Detective or Agent perspective; those who investigate crimes typically committed by members of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.  The second portion assumes the investigative position from the “inside”.  In a deep undercover assignment, Dave spent almost four years as a member of an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang.  Dave’s philosophy is to train investigators from the perspective of an actual member of the gang. Using his ‘inside out’ approach, Dave seeks to pass on knowledge that will contribute to officer safety, unforeseen circumstances and concurrently offer a unique perspective leading to more successful undercover operations when dealing with Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.

 This "pay it forward" type of training has come from Dave’s 25 years of instruction and his 30 years of experience. Having trained over 18,000 undercover personnel both internationally and nationally, Dave’s goal is to provide crucial information to others in an effort to make sure every officer, detective or agent goes home to their loved ones each and every night
The training covers:  This training covers:  the history of the major outlaw motorcycle gangs both nationally and internationally, the club culture, the hierarchy of clubs, recruitment of new members, effective recruitment and utilization of informants, L.E. misconceptions of OMG’s, women in the OMG world, OMG’s attempts to gather public support, the criminal activity of the OMG, weapons of the OMG and where they carry them, OMGs vs Police clubs.

 From the “Inside out”: techniques to infiltrate the OMG, identifying the unique issues associated with an infiltration, psychological challenges of working undercover in an OMG, backstopping needed for undercover operations, risk management of undercover operations, examine key issues in the supervision of an OMG undercover operation, short term vs long term undercover operations, and unique concerns with female undercover deployment in OMG investigations.   

Instructor: Dave’s thirty plus years (Retired) undercover experience includes, but is not limited to, the following:  vice, narcotics, organized crime, white supremacy groups, militia groups, Mexican drug trafficking organizations, outlaw motorcycle gangs, and assisting Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) undercover personnel on an international terror case.

 A large portion of Dave’s cases involved long term infiltrations of criminal organizations lasting up to four years. Dave was tasked with infiltrating an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang. This assignment lasted for almost 4 years.  Dave has spent roughly ten years of his undercover career living with the criminals he was investigating. While working undercover, Dave has purchased most levels of numerous types of narcotics, stolen vehicles, stolen property, guns, fully automatic guns, explosives, and hand grenades. Dave created and teaches at the Washington State Undercover School (since 1997) teaches at the F.B.I. undercover school (since 1997), Pennsylvania State Police "Top Gun" undercover school (since 2013), Midwest Counter Drug Training Center (since 2010) and additional military, federal, state and local agencies and organizations.




(This course is designed to be presented at almost any location so agencies can be as fiscally responsible as they can. This mobility increases the number of students trained per dollar, potentially eliminating lodging, hotel, and rental car for students.  Please contact Dave Redemann at dave@policetraininginstitute.com for further details.)

Hands down – the best training I have ever had. I wish it was longer and even more advanced classes to pick up where this left off.
— Matt Ledford – Mason County Sheriff’s Office
Great Experience. Thanks! I appreciated the opportunity to “taste” this side of police work and get a more clear idea of it. I actually want to do this kind of work.
— McNalty