Dave Redemann
The International Undercover Training and Consulting LLC/Police Training Institute LLC has been providing top quality professional “practical” training to Federal, State, Local and Military personnel for almost 25 years. The training is based on “first hand” knowledge and experience. We use only the most professional, competent instructors with “real life” experience who are humble about their talent and skills and believe that instruction can be done without self-gratification. Even though the instructors are humble and would not consider themselves “experts”, they are all true “experts” in their field. Our philosophy is to update and improve each training course after reviewing each and every evaluation. We feel law enforcement and law enforcement techniques are always changing and we have the responsibility to change with them. We have trained over 16,000 undercover personnel in the past 25 years.
All but one of the schools are capable of traveling to your location so your agency can be as fiscally responsible in times of reduced training budgets. We have been instrumental in developing technology (body recording and transmitting equipment) and safety equipment (true undercover ballistic vests and holsters) for undercover and plainclothes personnel. We pride ourselves on staying current and innovative with all of our instruction.
We started with our two-week Undercover School back in 1997. The school has become the leader in undercover training throughout North America. It has been modeled after but not yet duplicated. Our philosophy is to assist each student in becoming a well rounded undercover that can work in almost any undercover role of the criminal world. The training has classroom instruction but the largest concentration of the school is “practical” scenario based. Each student experiences approximately 26-32 “real life” event practical scenarios. The scenarios are videotaped and evaluated to give each student the most of their training.
It became very apparent shortly after the start of the undercover school that we needed a Surveillance School to compliment the undercover school. Both techniques go hand in hand for successful investigations so the training needed to as well. We learned very early the benefits that practical training had on the students so we created a 4-day “real life scenario” surveillance course. The scenarios are modified to make them relevant to each organization that the training is provided. The standard for investigative professionalism is set extremely high. Each student is expected to document the criminal violations witnessed by photos or video with a wide array of new techniques and equipment.
Our Undercover Defensive Tactics “with an offensive advantage” 2 or 3-day course came out of the original 2-week undercover school. The course had a 3-hour block of “hands on” practical undercover defensive tactics. We listened to the evaluations, which requested a more in depth longer training. Therefore we created the 2 or 3-day practical course. Each student will evaluate their handgun placement, the pros and cons of different firearms, defense against knives, neutralizing the threat with alternate weapons or weapons of opportunity, undercover rescue, and the most important develop an “I will survive” attitude so they go home every night. We have added a new firearm shoot, don’t shoot video simulation to the training. This school makes you sweat but as the saying goes, “the more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war”.
Over the years at the request of our attendees the following schools have been created. Interview and Interrogation “practical scenarios”, Basic and Advanced Narcotics, Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children, Storefront Operations, Supervising and Managing Undercover Operations, Women in Undercover Operations, Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs “From the Inside Out”, Confidential Informants, Discernment “DISC” personality testing, and Gambling Investigations.