Veteran Owned and Operated

The mission of the Police Training Institute (P.T.I) and the International Undercover Training and Consulting LLC is to provide training excellence, professionalism and safety through knowledge and “real life” experience. We are dedicated to the safety and professionalism of all law enforcement personnel through a “pay it forward” style of training.


Two-Week (Classroom and Practical scenario) Undercover School

This 80 hours class combines a very thorough classroom instruction with very intense videoed “real life” practical "undercover" scenarios covering 4 days.


Surveillance Techniques

A four-day (36 hours) videoed "practical scenarios" training program designed for law enforcement officers who routinely use surveillance as one of their investigative techniques.



Interview and Interrogation

The “Interview Techniques” Two-day (16 hours) videoed "practical scenarios" course teaches success thru Rapport Building (relationships), Ascertain information or facts (discovering), Disclosure (revealing) and Declaration (confessing).


Laser Shot

Practical real life "shoot don't shoot" scenarios on a simulator screen with laser weapons.  The simulator has over 600 "real life" scenarios ranging from patrol, undercover, plainclothes,  "active shooter", and off duty situations.  The scenarios can be modified to more applicable to the users needs.


Undercover Defensive Tactics

A three-day (27 hours) "hands on" practical training program designed for law enforcement officers who routinely work undercover.




Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children

This one-week school informs and provides the tools to an investigator required to handle these very serious, sensitive and delicate case.

BASIC/INTERMEDIATE (LEVEL 1 & 2) Undercover School: One-Week (Classroom only)

This 36-hour Undercover School covers Undercover Survival, Buy Bust Operations, Testifying, Confidential Informants, Psychological Aspects of Undercover work, Special Undercover Techniques, and Props and Equipment needed for undercover work.

ADVANCED (LEVEL 3) Practical Scenarios Undercover School: One-Week

This 36-hour practical school has students learn and work through "real life" undercover scenarios which are videotaped to provide positive feedback. 


Outlaw Motorcycle Gang School 

This 27-hour OMG school is designed for new and experienced investigators.  It is presented from the investigators side and the undercover  OMG side.